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Become an Ambassador of Unicard

Send us your mobile number and we will contact you

Frequently asked questions

Simply - send your mobile number, we will contact you and give you the status of the ambassador.

Send a friends number by sms. If you are Magti subscriber, on the number 95552, or if you are a Geocell or Beeline subscriber, on the number 5552.

Yes, but only if in the last 3 months a friend has not swiped a Unicard.

• Spar, Foodmart, Ioli Supermarkets; Unicard service centers

• Tbilisi, Vazha-Pshavela # 71

• Tbilisi, Agmashenebeli Alley, 16th km. T / c Tbilisi mall

• Batumi, Chavchavadze Str. # 31, Altaokay store

• Kutaisi, Chavchavadze Str. # 67, Grandmall

Bonus points will be credited on the 15th of each month, within three months after the card is issued. Points are awarded to you if the mobile phone number you’ve sent is not registered in the Unicard system or is registered, but you have not swiped Unicard in the last 3 months.

If a card already registered to the number of your friend’s mobile phone you have sent, it has been swiped minimum once in the last 3 months.