Unicard Shopping Festival detailed terms
Unicard Shopping Festival in Tbilisi Mall
Promotion period: from 18.11.2022 to 01.12.2022
Promotion Content:
During the promotion period, in any shop of Tbilisi Mall, for every 10 GEL spent, 1 point is collected on Unicard (subsequently bonus point).
Specifics of bonus point accrual:
- Maximum amount of bonus points accrued per day - 50 points per card;
- Cardholder data must be registered in the Unicard system by January 1, 2023;
- Bonus points accrued during the festival will be activated in any Unicard partner company (or non-partner company, with a UNIcard Visa/Mastercard card) as soon as 10 points have been collected (if several cards are connected to the Unicard account, on which festival bonus points have been accrued, the condition can be met based on the total points collected in the account) .
Description of bonus point accrual process:
- Bonus points will be accrued for the purchase in any shop (including a small stand or other specific object) in Tbilisi Mall;
- The check received for the purchase made during the festival should be presented at the Unicard service center located in Tbilisi Mall (at the Unidesk located in the central lobby of Tbilisi Mall);
- Bonus points can be accrued both to an existing and a newly opened card;
- The operator checks the validity of the check - current date, address of Tbilisi Mall (16th kilometer of D. Agmashenebeli alley, Tbilisi Mall);
- The number of checks submitted by one user is not limited;
- The maximum deadline for fulfilling the condition is December 31, 2022 at 24:00. Points must be collected in Unicard partner companies (or in a non-partner company, with a UNIcard Visa/Mastercard card);
- Points will be activated on an unregistered card if data is registered on the card on January 1, 2023 and 10 points are collected on the account with Unicard partners (or in a non-partner company, with a UNIcard Visa/Mastercard card);
- Bonus points will be activated after fulfilling both conditions (registration of data on the card, collection of 10 Unipoints on the card);
- The card is considered registered if the following data are filled in: name and surname, mobile phone number and date of birth;
- If the account holder is registered and the card on which the bonus point was transferred is not registered, the bonus point cannot be accrued;
- If the user has accrued bonus points on several different days, after fulfilling the condition, all bonus points accrued up to the current moment will be activated;
- Bonus points will be accrued in the period from January 3, 2023 to January 20, 2023.
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