This resolution is not supported! – Collect Points on UNICARD for Free


Unicard launched new product – online space for point’s collection. Unimania rewards UNICARD holders who visit web page, watch TV adverts and banners, click on URLs to visit advertiser’s pages and answer questions by participating in questionnaires as respondents. Unimania visitors are required to confirm their interaction with advertisement by answering control question that pops up periodically.

To join Unimania UNIARD is requiring. Those users who don’t hold loyalty card yet can generate virtual UNICARD during registration process. Visitors who hold UNICARD and already are registered on can use same username and password to sign in into web page. Active consumers who already hold UNICARD can collect loyalty points for free without any expenses.

Bonus points collected on UNICARD could be redeemed online via website where catalogue includes more than 1 500 items, whether it is a gifts or services. UNICARD holders can choose items not only online but also by visiting customer’s service centers.